Gallery HoK art by me Team Rocket (2015)In Motion (2015)Danbi portrait (2016?)Danbi and butterfly (2016)Hana and dandelions (2016)Blue morphos (2017)Ancient Tiger (2017)In Motion II (2017)Hanui-Baragi (2018)Danbi and Haelu from [Arbalest] (2018)Tell the Truth (2020)Cosplay (2020) Art by others Unicorn dream by ReinhetEthan by Heserpenty of [Serpents of Old]Secret Santa gift from Remmirath of [Corner the Maze]Danbi by Cap'n Lee of [Children of Shadow]Ethan and Lu by hades of Vagary!HoK Fighter by Joichi of [@lavendercomics]Lushaka among stellar company by Shadowhood of SunnyxRain!Father King by Maiji of [Now Recharging] and [humangray]Lushaka by Darwin of Darwin Comics!Danbi by Sophie of Soul's JourneyEthan by Lucy Lyall of Spare Keys for Strange Doors!Ethan by Vayandil of Realm of Owls!