5 Comments on 451
I wanted it to rain during this scene, but I also needed this scene to happen on the same day as the previous chapter. A big change in the weather within the same day is absolutely possible but when it’s in a comic, it always *feels* like a significant amount of time has passed. So no rain it is.

In another news, it’s time for the annual(?) SpiderForest new member comics! SpiderForest is a Cool Kids Club of webcomics, of which HoK has been a member for a few years. Check out some of my new Spidery neighbors!

New SpiderForest Comics – Magic, Science, and Mysterious Pasts

Arrhythmia – One’s concerning. One’s returning. One’s discerning. One’s just earning.
Kings of Sorts
Kings of Sorts – A sci-fi fantasy tale about self improvement, love, and the truth behind the monarchy’s lies.
Yellowish – What can be worse than school? A school where murder has happened!
Tuppence for Stardust
Tuppence for Stardust – A fairytale urban fantasy that crashed into a boombox playing worn-out Black Sabbath tapes.

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