Everyone has something they want.
The butt chin runs in the family. Note that Ethan’s dad is a bit slimmer than Ethan will be when he reaches his full size, in a few years.
Everyone has something they want.
The butt chin runs in the family. Note that Ethan’s dad is a bit slimmer than Ethan will be when he reaches his full size, in a few years.
Surprise bonus update! With the previous strip, it wasn’t clear whether the dream was on the surreal and weird side, or if it was a straightforward childhood memory. Well, now you know. ^_^
Lots of old art being recycled here. I’ve had to fix them in various places, like Ethan looking 40lbs too thin or the house panel looking too bare. Also, mmm, worldbuilding~ –@keiiii
The RGB gates. Well, almost. The Circle Gate does have some blue in the center…
Hey, you look familiar…
Woodpeckers. We’ve been having problems with them pecking at the house lately. We’ve got plenty of trees around… So why are they destroying my house!? Also, who’s playing hide and seek?
Site is having technical issues, but the comic should be readable. ^^
So we learn the tiger’s name! Yes, he has three different hair colors: black, orange and white. And yes, his hair is quite short on the sides of his head, hence the fuzzy texture. Imagine the head of a juvenile lion who’s just begun to grow his mane. His hair is kind of like that,… Continue reading 047
Longest update ever? So far it is. This is actually two updates in one go. I didn’t want to cut off at the “Thwiffsh” panel because that would have been the lamest cliffhanger ever. So here it is, both today’s and Monday’s update. Chapter 6 will begin on Thursday, May 14th. On another site, some… Continue reading 048